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AMERICAN SMALLSWORD SYMPOSIUM.  Founded and organized by the late Victor Markland, the American Smallsword Symposium launched its inaugural event in April, 2015 with a two day seminar on the art of the smallsword and has continued as an annual event.  It is always well attended.  Excellent classes are taught each year by several different instructors from the U.S. and abroad.  The American Smallword Symposium is a significant annual event for this very special dueling sword. The website also contains a good bit of information on the smallsword.  For more information go to


LONGPOINT.   In 2011, the Maryland KDF expanded its HEMA Gathering from its inaugural event and renamed it Longpoint.  Since then Longpoint has become one of the premier events for HEMA.  Larry taught a seminar on the Dueling Saber at the 2011 event.  Each year, Longpoint brings together some of the most well-known instructors from the U.S. and abroad to conduct seminars on a wide range of HEMA topics.  In addition the event offers several tournaments.  For more information, go to


MARYLAND KUNST DES FECTHENS, HEMA GATHERING. January 30, 2010, Columbia, Maryland. The Maryland KDF hosted this one day event featuring a half-dozen sessions on various western sword arts. Included was longsword, Bolognese sword and buckler, rapier, dagger, and the messer. These courses were taught by instructors from the various western martial arts groups in the mid-Atlantic area. Larry taught an introductory course on the German longsword.


THE FRENCH SMALLSWORD. Based on MASHS newly revised smallsword curriculum, Larry offered a ten-lesson course on the use of this 18th century dueling sword. Lessons were offered at MASHS Annapolis on Sunday afternoons starting January 7th, 2007, with follow-up work in Baltimore.


CHRISTIAN TOBLER. On Fighting with the German Longsword, a comprehensive training manual for medieval combat, based on the treatise of the 14th century German master, Johannes Liechtenaur; November 11th and 12th, 2006. 

BOB CHARRON. On the Abrazare (wrestling) techniques of Fiore dei Liberi; November 6th and 7th, 2004. 

MATT GALAS. On the German Longsword tradition of Dobringer. Here in the Washington, DC area for an extended visit, Matt offered a series of short workshops and training sessions throughout the summer of 2004. 

MAESTRO SEAN HAYES. On the 19th century Italian Dueling Sabre of Parise, Radaelli, and Barbasetti; April 24th and 25th, 2004.


CHRISTIAN TOBLER. On the Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship, from the treatise of the 14th century German master, Johannes Liechtenaur; May 17th and 18th, 2003. 

BOB CHARRON. On the Fior di Battaglia, the combat system of 14th century Italian master Fiore dei Liberi; March 2nd and 3rd, 2002. 

MARK RECTOR. On the Longsword system of Hans Talhoffer, from the 1467 Fechtbuch; February 18, 2001. 

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